Bankura Anganwadi Recruitment 2024: Application Process, Eligibility & Dates

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The district of Bankura has announced the recruitment process for the roles of Anganwadi workers and helpers in and around the district. The recruitment notification for the year 2024 has been released to the notice of the public in order to recruit candidates based on the vacancies available for the recruitment process through the official portal of the Bankura district. Candidates who wish to appear in the vacancy recruitment available for the worker and helper role in the Anganwadi are responsible for various activities such as taking care of women and children by providing them food with nutritious value, providing primary health checkup, also providing them with education to make their lives better, and various other activities are performed by the Anganwadi Worker and Helpers. Candidates who wish to apply for the vacancies available in the recruitment process are required to go through the complete article or recruitment notification to be equipped with all the details about the recruitment process and various features such as the registration process, eligibility criteria, vacancy details, and Various other important information that is required to be known by the applicants. 


Overview of the Bankura Anganwadi Recruitment 

Candidates who are willing to apply for the vacancies available in the roles of Anganwadi Worker and Anganwadi Helper in the district of Bankura can start the application process by using the link that has been published by the authority for the purpose of applying. The official website of the Bankura district has started to receive the application forms as the portal to apply for the recruitment process has been started. Candidates who wish to learn more details about the recruitment process can use this article to learn and get equipped with various details and diverse information about the recruitment process in a short preview. The table that follows this passage provides an overview about all the details available in the recruitment notification. 

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Name of the position  Anganwadi Worker and Helper
Conducting Department  Bankura District 
Number of vacancies  600 vacancies 
Type of Employment  Government Jobs 
Mode of Application  Online 
Mode of Examination  Online 
Educational Qualifications  12th Standard Education or Relevant Courses 
Age Limit  18 years to 35 years 
Selection Process  Written Examination and Personal Interview 
Salary  Based on the posts 
Location  District of Bankura 
Official Website 


Important Dates of the Bankura Anganwadi Recruitment 

The Bankura district has unveiled the recruitment advertisement regarding the vacancy recruitment available in the roles of Anganwadi Worker and Helper and the recruitment advertisement has various information about the recruitment process and these details are considered to be very important to be known by the applicants. The important dates of the recruitment process in which the events that are considered to be important in the recruitment process will take place and the details regarding the dates are required to be known completely by the applicants as to prepare for the event before the date commences. 

Events  Dates 
Bankura Anganwadi Recruitment Online Application Form Opening Date  July 25, 2024
Bankura Anganwadi Recruitment Online Application Form Closing Date  August 16, 2024
Bankura Anganwadi Recruitment Hall Ticket Date of Announcement  To Be Announced 
Bankura Anganwadi Recruitment Date of Examination  To Be Announced 
Bankura Anganwadi Recruitment Date of the Results to be Released  To Be Announced 


Vacancy Details of the Bankura Anganwadi Recruitment 

Candidates who are interested in applying for the vacancies available in the Anganwadi Worker and helper roles in the district of Bankura have been announced with almost 600 vacancies as the total number of vacancies available for the recruitment process. The 600 vacancies available in the recruitment process will be distributed based on the requirements available in the roles. The distribution details of the vacancies available are not mentioned in the recruitment advertisement and those details are expected to be announced soon in the upcoming notifications related to the recruitment of the Anganwadi Worker and helper in the district of Bankura.

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Eligibility Criteria of the Bankura Anganwadi Recruitment 

Candidates who are willing to appear for the vacancies available in the roles of Anganwadi Worker and helper in the district of Bankura are expected to be in possession of certain eligibility as formulated by the authority that conducts the recruitment process. The eligibility that is expected to be possessed by the applicants is considered as the criteria mentioned to evaluate the eligibility of the applicants to check their suitability for the available vacancies. 


Educational Qualifications

  • The Anganwadi Worker and helper vacancies are available for the recruitment process and candidates are required to have completed at least their 12th standard school education or any other certificate courses that are relevant to the post that they are applying for in the recruitment process. 


Age Limit

  • Apart from the educational qualifications, the age limit of the applicant is also considered to be an important criteria considered to evaluate the eligibility of the applicant. Candidates who are available between the age group of 18 years to 35 years are considered to be eligible for the recruitment process. 


Application Process of the Bankura Anganwadi Recruitment 

The Bankura district has announced the recruitment process for the roles of Anganwadi Worker and helper and opened the portal to receive the application from candidates who are eligible to appear in the recruitment process. Candidates are required to register applications in the official portal to make them available for the recruitment process and the process should be completed before the commencement dates of the deadline.

  1. You should check whether you are eligible for the Anganwadi Recruitment by going through the eligibility criteria.
  2. If you are eligible, you can proceed to open the official portal of the Bankura district to start with the application process. 
  3. You can proceed to fill the application form by giving all your original details without making any errors.
  4. Once after filling out all the details you are required to scan and upload the documents as mentioned in the web page.
  5. If you have completed all the above steps you can proceed with the payment of the application process fee and press the submit option by scrolling down to the bottom. 
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Selection Process of the Bankura Anganwadi Recruitment 

Candidates applying for the Bankura Anganwadi Recruitment are required to go through a certain formulated phases of the selection process. 

  • Written Examination
  • Personal Interview


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1) When does the deadline of the application process take place? 

Answer: August 16, 2024.


2) What is the maximum age of the applicant who can apply for the Bankura Anganwadi Recruitment?

Answer: Candidates who are over 35 years are not eligible for the application process. 

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