NTA GPAT Syllabus pdf download, Subject-wise Topic, Exam Pattern

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Preparations for GPAT need a proper understanding of the syllabus that broadly covers almost all topics from the BPharma curriculum. We will try to go through the GPAT syllabus for 2024 and how a candidate should prepare accordingly.

Table of Contents

GPAT Syllabus 2024

gpat syllabus

The syllabus of GPAT is divided into several subject areas, and all of those are necessary for coming under the ambit of knowledge required for an exam. Those subjects include Physical Chemistry, Physical Pharmacy, Organic Chemistry, Heterocyclic Chemistry, and many more, each covering such a vast expanse of topics.

Candidates will be better equipped to plan their preparation strategy when they know the syllabus thoroughly. GPAT 2024 is a computer-based test. The test contains 125 multiple-choice questions, for which 4 marks are allotted to correct answers. An incorrect response incurs a reduction of 1 mark. The test is out of 500 marks.

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GPAT Syllabus 2024 Main Topics

1. Physical Chemistry

  • Composition & States of Matter: In this chapter, students are expected to know the different physical states of matter and the interplay among them due to forces of intermolecular interaction. Candidates are expected to know of the dipole moments, Van der Waals equations, and phenomena related to critical states and liquefaction of gasses.
  • Thermodynamics: This includes the first, second, and third laws of thermodynamics, thermochemical laws, and both isothermal and adiabatic processes. It further talks about enthalpy, Gibbs free energy, and chemical potential among others.
  • Electrochemistry: Topics include Faraday’s laws, electrolysis, concentration cells, Nernst equation, and electrode potentials. One should know the processes and measurements of the electrochemical cells and standard potential measurements.
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2. Physical Pharmacy

Important topics include changes in states of matter, latent heat, vapor pressure, and eutectic mixtures. Candidates must also familiarize themselves with the physical and chemical properties of gasses, aerosols, and liquid complexes.

  • Micromeritics and Powder Rheology: The subject includes particle size analysis, measurement of surface area, and powder properties. Candidates will have to understand the flow characteristics of powders and pharmaceutical applications.
  • Surface and Interfacial Phenomena: surface tension, adsorption, detergency, etc.

3. Organic Chemistry

  • General Principles: the candidate must possess a firm foundation in the basic concepts of organic chemistry: bond polarization, hybridization, and the classification of organic compounds. 
  • Aromaticity and Chemistry of Aromatic Compounds: These include aromaticity, Huckel’s rule, and electrophilic substitution reactions. The exam should also test the candidates’ knowledge about the reactivity and orientation of aromatic compounds.
  • Carbonyl Chemistry: Carbonyl chemistry including carbonyl groups and reactions such as Mannich condensation, Robinson annulation, and many rearrangements is very important.

4. Heterocyclic Chemistry

Three- to six-membered ring heteroatom-containing fused systems: Their synthesis and reactions. In the candidates’ study, they should also look into fused ring systems such as quinoline and isoquinoline.

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GPAT 2025 Syllabus PDF – Subject-wise Details

Physical ChemistryComposition and physical states of matter, Colligative Properties, Thermodynamics, Refractive Index, Solutions, Electrochemistry, Ionic Equilibrium, Kinetics
Physical PharmacyMatter, properties of matter, Micromeritics and powder rheology, Surface and Interfacial Phenomenon, Viscosity and Rheology, Dispersion Systems, Solubility
Organic ChemistryGeneral Principles, Aromaticity, Carbonyl Chemistry, Stereochemistry, Carbohydrates, Amino acids & proteins, Pericyclic reactions, Bridged rings, Heterocyclic Chemistry
Pharmaceutical ChemistryPharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry (Impurities, Isotopes, Anticaries agents), Medicinal Chemistry (Therapeutic classes, Classes of therapeutic drugs)
PharmaceuticsDosage forms, Powders, Capsules, Tablets, Parenterals, Suspensions, Emulsions, Suppositories, Packaging, Cosmetics, Novel drug delivery systems
PharmacologyGeneral Pharmacology, Autonomic & central nervous system, Cardiovascular, Urinary, Respiratory, Endocrine, Gastrointestinal, Chemotherapy, Immunopharmacology
PharmacognosyCrude drugs classification, Techniques in microscopy, Plant classification, Animal & Plant products, Volatile oils, Glycosides, Alkaloids, Herbal formulations
Pharmaceutical AnalysisAcid-base titrations, Gravimetry, Spectroscopy (UV-visible, IR, NMR, Mass), Chromatography, Potentiometry, Quality control
BiochemistryCells, Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids, Vitamins, Enzymes, Biological oxidation, Nucleic acids, Hereditary diseases
BiotechnologyPlant and Animal Cell Culture, Fermentation Technology, Recombinant DNA Technology
MicrobiologyMicroorganisms, Fungi, Viruses, Sterilization, Vaccines, Microbial assays, Aseptic techniques
PathophysiologyCell injury, Inflammation, Fluid balance disorders, Infectious diseases, Neoplastic diseases, Liver & Kidney function tests
Biopharmaceutics & PharmacokineticsBio-availability, Bio-equivalence, Biopharmaceutical statistics
Clinical Pharmacy & TherapeuticsGeneral principles and concepts
Human Anatomy & PhysiologyCell physiology, Blood, GI tract, Respiratory system, Nervous system, Endocrine glands, Cardiovascular system
Pharmaceutical EngineeringFluid flow, Heat transfer, Distillation, Size reduction, Mixing, Industrial hazards, Automated process control systems
Pharmaceutical ManagementPlanning, Organization, Research management, HRD, Marketing research, WTO, TRIPS, Intellectual property rights
Pharmaceutical JurisprudenceActs and rules, Regulatory authorities
Dispensing & Hospital PharmacyPrescription reading, Compounding, Clinical practice

GPAT Exam Pattern 2024

The examination is an online objective-type test. Marking Positivity and Negativity must be noted by a student who could assist him and not lose marks on the same by focusing on accuracy during preparation.

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No. of Questions

Maximum Marks

Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Allied Subjects



Pharmaceutics and Allied Subjects



Pharmacognosy and Allied Subjects



Pharmacology and Allied Subjects



Other Subjects






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It is an extensive syllabus based on the BPharma curriculum. Hence, it encompasses topics from physical to organic chemistry and topics concerning pharmacy up to heterocyclic chemistry. To study for the GPAT, one must have all such subjects at his/ her fingertips. One should practice question papers from the previous year. Proper strategic preparation will help the candidate rightly aim and aspire with confidence towards scoring a high mark in the exam.

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