IBPS RRB PO Admit Card 2024: Download & Important Updates

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The Institute of Banking and Personal Selection RRB PO Amit Card is released on the official website. All the candidates who have successfully registered and submitted their application form can now get their admit card for the upcoming prelims exam from the website.


The official notice of Admit card Released for the IBPS RRB PO Prelims Written Exam 2024


On the official website of the IBPS, the admit card for the upcoming prelims written exam of RRB PO recruitment 2024 is uploaded, and candidates who have taken part in the registration process and successfully paid the fee after the final submission of the application form can go to the official website and check for their admit card that is needed to be with them on the exam day in physical copy.


Candidates who have registered and filled out their application but fail to make a successful fee payment attempt will not be receiving their admit card for their forms have already been automatically rejected before being accepted on the other side due to not paying the fee timely before the deadline is passed. Suppose one is not aware of this fact. In that case, they must make sure this mistake does not happen again and always check their payment status after making the attempt using their login credentials to check the application status put out on their portal available on the official website of the IBPS RRB.

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There is nothing one can utter if this has already taken place. As for the cost of the fee, the amount must have been already added to the account from where it was initially deducted within a few working days automatically. If this is not the case and the amount has not come back, one can raise a complaint against this case and claim a refund rightfully.


How to get the admit card of the IBPS RRB PO Prelims Exam 2024, recruitment process


The admit card will be available on the official website for those candidates whose application forms are submitted successfully with their fee charges cleared. The link to download the admit card will be live on the official website’s homepage, it is the individual’s responsibility to get the admit card taken out by themselves for there are no other ways it will be delivered to them. Candidates must keep their credentials like registration number, a password created at the time of registration for future log-in, or date of birth provided in the application form. Make sure the credentials are matched and accurate while submitting them to get the admit card.


Here is a guide to be followed step-by-step to get the admit card downloaded from the official website.

  1. Visit the official website of IBPS and on locate the live/active notice/ad regarding the release of admit cards for this 2024 recruitment of the RRB PO Prelim exam.
  2. Click on it, a new tab will be opened where selective credentials will be asked to submit to be able to get access to the final result, the admit card.
  3. Once everything essential is provided one can see their admit card on the screen get it downloaded and later get a printout of the admit card to have a physical copy of it from the nearest printout shop.
  4. Check if there is no printing mistake occurred on the admit card.
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If one has forgotten their registration password they can recover it using other credentials and the registration number. Make sure to always keep the registration number safe to get access to the portal where everything related to this recruitment will be added.

No one will be excluded from taking the exam without bringing a physical copy of the admit card, no soft copy is allowed. Make sure to remember to get a physical of it and carry it along on the exam day.


Additional notes regarding the IBPS RRB Prelims Exam 2024


If any error has been printed on the admit card by no fault of yours, it must immediately be brought to the concerning body’s notice and get corrected and re-issued a revised admit card without any mistakes for it can cause a lot of misunderstanding on the exam day at the exam center, one can be held up and denied access to take the exam if these errors are left unattended.

The case can be the mismatched signature of the candidates or their submitted passport photo. Here is the list of details that will be printed on the admit card, one must pay attention to if anything wrong has been printed instead of the accurate details provided during the filling of the application form.

  1. Name of the candidate
  2. Gender 
  3. Application number or registration number
  4. Mother’s name
  5. Candidate’s photo and signature 
  6. Father’s name
  7. Exam date and shift timing
  8. Category 
  9. Exam center and address of the location
  10. Exam Center Code
  11. Undertaking and instructions
  12. Name of the exam 
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Exam timings and shifts of the IBPS RRB PO recruitment Prilim exam 2024


                                    Shits and timing of the IBPS RRB PO Exam 2024
Shifts  Reporting time  Exam starting  Exam ending 
1 8 am 9 am
2 10:15 am 11:15 am
3 12:30 pm 2:15 pm
4 2:45 pm 3:45 pm


Exam-friendly tips for the IBPS RRB PO Recruitment Prelims Exam, 2024


  1. Avoid leaving incomplete things to complete at the last minute to avoid unforeseen obstacles or forgetfulness.
  2. Carry your own water bottle that is transparent.
  3. Try to reach the exam center a little earlier than the given reporting time, and set out of your home early to avoid the traffic rush.
  4. Read the instructions carefully before going for the exam, to avoid making any unwanted and unintentional mistakes.

For more information, if needed, refer to the official website www.ibps.in. and rely there for official and authentic updates. We are concluding our article here, hope you give your best on this exam.

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