India Post GDS Result 2024 Released 1st merit list Online at

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The First Merit List of the Candidates who have applied for the Gramin Dak Sevak recruitment process conducted by the  Indian Postal Department has been announced to the notice of the public by releasing an official notification through the official online platform of the India Post. Candidates who have applied for the vacancies available in the role Gramin Dak Sevak available in the various states of the country are announced to check the merit list and check whether they are eligible for the next steps of the recruitment process conducted by the India Post. A large number of candidates have applied for the recruitment process conducted by the Indian Postal Department and the merit list for the candidates who have applied for the recruitment process and the list of candidates who have selected based on the first merit list have been released through the official online platform of the India Post. The eligibility of the candidate is based on the marks obtained by the candidate in the 10th standard exam. 

Candidates those who have applied for the Gramin Dak Sevak recruitment process are required to go through the information provided in this article as the notification regarding the merit list consisting of the candidate who are getting selected for the vacancies available in the Gramin Dak Sevak are announced in this article to assist candidates to obtain various information about the recruitment process with ease.

India Post GDS Result 2024– First Merit List Released

Candidates who have applied for the Gramin Dak Sevak vacancies available in the recruitment process are required to go through the merit list that has been released to notify the candidate about the eligibility status of the candidate. The first merit list of the candidates are released on August 19, 2024 and the merit list have been released for candidates in the 12 states or circles and candidates have applied for the vacancies and they have been shortlisted for 44,228 posts available in the Gramin Dak Sevak recruitment process conducted by the India Post. Candidates who are interested in checking the details available in the First merit list of the Gramin Dak Sevak recruitment process conducted by the India Post are required to check the details available in the table that follows this passage to assist candidates to seek more information about the recruitment process in a nutshell.

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Name of the position Gramin Dak Sevak 
Conducting Department India Post 
Number of vacancies 44,228 vacancies
Type of Employment Government Jobs 
Category of Notification Release of Merit List 
Status of the Notification Released 
Mode of Availability Online 
Gramin Dak Sevak Recruitment Release Date of the Merit List Expected on August 17, 2024 
Salary To Be Announced 
Location All Over India 
Official Website 

India Post GDS First Merit List: Selected Candidates

Candidates who have applied for the various posts available in the Gramin Dak Sevak recruitment process conducted by the India Post have been announced with the notification regarding the first merit list of the candidate who have been selected for the various vacancies based on the 10th marks of the candidate who have applied for the recruitment process. Candidates can seek their eligibility status and various details regarding the Gramin Dak Sevak Recruitment process through the notification that has been released and the number of candidates who have been selected in the 12 states based on the first merit list are mentioned below.

  • Andhra Pradesh – 1355
  • Assam – 892
  • Delhi- 22
  • Gujarat- 2030
  • Odisha- 2477
  • Karnataka- 1940
  • Kerala- 2433
  • Maharashtra- 3166
  • Punjab- 384
  • Tamil Nadu- 3789
  • Telangana- 980
  • West Bengal- 2540

India Post GDS First Merit List: Details Available in it

The India Post has announced the first merit list for the candidates who have applied for the Gramin Dak Sevak recruitment process based on the marks obtained by the candidate in their 10th standard public board examination. Candidates are announced with the release of results in the official online platform of the India Post and they are provided with various details in the web page of the results and they are required to check whether the details mentioned in the results are released without any error. The details available in the results are found below this passage.

  • Division
  • Office
  • Post Name
  • Post Community
  • Registration Number
  • Candidate’s Name
  • Percent of marks obtained
  • DV dates
  • Gender
  • Community
  • Documents to be verified
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Steps to check the India Post GDS Result 2024 -First Merit List

Candidates who have applied for the Gramin Dak Sevak recruitment process conducted by the India Post are announced with the release of the first merit list consisting of the details regarding the candidates who have been selected in the 12 states in which the results of the recruitment process have been released. Candidates who have applied for the recruitment process are required to check the results through the link that has been generated for the purpose of checking the first merit list of the recruitment process. Candidates are informed to follow the steps below in order to check the details of the first merit list that has been released for the various vacancies available in the Gramin Dak Sevak recruitment process.

  1. Candidates can check the first merit list of the GDS Result by opening the official online platform of the India Post.
  2. Candidates can locate the First Merit List of the GDS Result in the Candidate’s corner available in the homepage.
  3. The list of the Circles that are available appears on the screen and candidates are required to select the circle in which they have appeared.
  4. Candidates are required to enter the first merit list notification of the GDS result and are required to open using the credentials available along with the candidate.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1) How many Candidates have been selected in the First Merit List of the GDS in the state of Tamil Nadu? 

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Answer: 3789 Candidates.

2) What is the full form of GDS? 

Answer: Gramin Dak Sevak.

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