Maharashtra Board HSC SSC Supplementary Result 2024 Released Today at

The Maharashtra Board HSC and SSC Supplementary Examination Results are expected to be released today at 1pm to the notice of the public and the candidates who have applied and attended the supplementary examination by releasing an official notification which can be opened by the candidate using the credentials that are available with them and the notification will be released in the official online platform of the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education. Candidates who wish to check their supplementary examination results which will be released online today are required to use the link that has been generated for the purpose of assisting candidates with the process of checking the supplementary examination results. The Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education have conducted the Public Board Examination for the students who are studying in 10th standard and 12th standard and those who have failed in one or two subjects in the public board examination are given a chance to clear the examination by attending and clearing the subject in which they have failed and join other students in seeking higher education. Candidates who wish to seek more information regarding the supplementary examination conducted by the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education are required to go through this article to seek more information about the supplementary examination results and various aspects available in the results notification which will be released today in official online platform of the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education.

Maharashtra Board HSC SSC Supply Results 2024 Overview

Candidates who wish to check the results of the supplementary examination which is expected to be released today at 1pm can use the link that have been made available for the candidates to check the results and the results can be obtained by entering the credentials that are available with the candidate. Candidates are required to go through the table that follows this passage to seek more information about the supplementary exam results for the 10th and 12th standard students conducted by the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education.

Name of the Examination Maharashtra SSC and HSC Supplementary Examination 
Conducting Department Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education 
Category of the Notification Release of Supplementary Examination Results 
Status of the Notification To Be Announced 
Mode of Availability Online 
Classes Available in the Examination 10th standard and 12th standard 
Login Credentials Required to check the Results Roll Number of the Candidate and Mother’s First Name 
Location All Over Maharashtra 

Details Available in the Maharashtra SSC and HSC Supplementary Examination Results 

The Maharashtra Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education has conducted the supplementary examination for the 10th and 12th standard students who have failed in one or two subjects in the public board examination and the results of the supplementary examination is announced to be released today at 1pm. Candidates who have appeared in the supplementary examination conducted by the Maharashtra board are required to check various important details that will be available in the mark sheet of the candidate and if there is any mistake in these details it should be raised as a claim. The details that are required to be checked in the supplementary examination results are as follows.

  • Roll Number
  • Student’s Name
  • Father’s Name
  • Mother’s Name
  • Subject-wise Theory Marks
  • Subject-wise Practical Marks
  • Total Marks
  • Grade
  • Grand Total
  • Result (Pass/Fail)
  • Division

Alternative ways to check Maharashtra Board HSC SSC Supplementary Results 2024

The Supplementary Examination conducted by the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education have been attended by a large number of students who have failed in one or two subjects in the public board examination. Therefore, when the notification regarding the results of the supplementary examination gets released a large number of students will open the official online platform of the authority to check their examination status which will lead to technical difficulties. Therefore, to reduce the traffic to a particular website, candidates are provided with an alternative website and because of this the traffic will be splitted into two and candidates can check their supplementary examination results without any issues.


Login Credentials Required to Check the Maharashtra SSC and HSC Supplementary Examination Results

Candidates who are interested in checking their supplementary examination results are required to login to the website that consists of the examination results and the login credentials are required to login to the website. The credentials required to login to the website are mentioned below

  • Roll Number of the Candidate
  • Mother’s First Name

Steps to Check the Maharashtra SSC and HSC Supplementary Result

Candidates who have appeared in the supplementary examination conducted for the 10th standard and 12th standard students who have failed in one or two subjects in the public board examination conducted by the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education are announced about the results of the supplementary examination results that is expected to be released today at 1pm. Candidates who are interested in checking the supplementary examination results which will be available in the official online platform of the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education are required to follow the steps mentioned below to assist candidates to check the results to be available for the supplementary examination with ease.

  1. Candidates who wish to check the supplementary examination results are required to open the official online platform of the Maharashtra Board.
  2. Candidates should locate and click the notification named as official result portal.
  3. Candidates should click the SSC and HSC results to proceed further.
  4. Candidates are required to enter their credentials as mentioned in this article to login to the results web page.
  5. The results will be available on the screen, candidates can check the results and download the mark sheet.