OSSC CHSL Prelims Result 2024 Expected Soon at https://www.ossc.gov.in

Combined higher secondary level examination 2024 was conducted on 21st July 2024 for which thousands of candidates participated in this examination in multiple centres throughout Odisha. The major languages for the prelims examination are English and Odia.

The result for the prelims is going to be announced by the students. The result will determine the further process to the main examination that is going to be conducted in the month of August. The result for combined higher secondary level examination can be accessed by the official website of Odisha staff selection Commission that is www.ossc.gov. 

From this website you can check their qualifying status and performance in the respective examinations.

Exam NameOSSC CHSL 2024
Conducting BodyOdisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC)
Exam DateJuly 21, 2024
Result DateLast week of August 2024
Official Websitehttps://ossc.gov.in/

OSSC CHSL Result 2024

The selection Commission of Odisha has conducted the examination for combined higher secondary level to fill the vacancy 673 seats for veg the prelims examination has  been taken as it is supposedly going to be conducted in this month. The examination is followed by three stages. The first stage is prelims, the 2nd stage means whereas the third stage is certificate verification. The first stage has already taken place but the result isn’t released  

The result for ossc c h s l is going to be released once the authority announces it officially on the website. The result will include the qualifying candidates name and the minimum qualifying marks said by the authorities of CHSL result. For different categories the marks are determined separately. For example, in general the marks are higher than scheduled caste and scheduled tribe candidates for different positions.

OSSC CHSL Prelims Result 2024

The examination for ossc CHSL is conducted to higher candidates for various positions like Uranus assistance homeopathic assistant ayurvedic assistant and junior fisheries technical assistant a min and caretaker. Once the candidate 3 years the prelims examination they will have to sit for mains examination that will be conducted in the same way as prelims for which the candidates will have to pass prelims examination then will be entered in main examination once the PDF get released regarding the conduction of the examination.

OSSC CHSL Result 2024 Link

Students can now download the prelims result of ossc CHSL 2024 without giving any additional details on the result is scheduled to be released on the website of CHSL that is www.osb.gov.in. 

Once the candidate qualifies a freedom examination they will be eligible to go for mains examination. In order to pass the list the candidate will have to get along with the cut off mark that will be published as a form of PDF on the official website. What she will have to do it’s to just enter your roll number on the website.

Steps to check the OSSC CHSL Result 2024

In order to check your ossc CHSL result for this year you will have to enter their website or just type SSC CHSL you will get there official website on top of the Google. You will have to click on it then you will have to enter details that is asked on the website to get your result smoothly.

  • First of all you will have to visit the official website of ossc that is Odisha staff selection Commission once you open that 
  • Will have to click on the candidate corner section then you will have to scroll the website down till the result tab appears
  • Once the results for the list of the candidate provisionally shortlisted for appearing the fields written examination 2024 
  • Click on that link.
  • From where you can download the PDF of result from the new tab. You can find your roll number from the search tab and if the roll number appears in the PDF you will be selected for the next stage of the process 
  • Now you can download the result file so that you can use it in future.

OSSC CHSL Prelims Expected Cut-Off 2024

The cutoff marks gives an idea regarding your performance in the examination.Everyone can access the result from the official website of OSSC 2024.Cutoff marks gives an idea to the students regarding their qualification for the respective college of their field. Cut off helps in understanding the level of examination student forward to the next stage of exam process that is cshl mains.

What after the OSSC CHSL Result 2024?

Below we have provided you the announcements made by ossc CHSL prelims result 2024 in order to qualify all the stages the candidates will have to prepare for every step of the selection process.

Main Exam – 

When the candidate clears the prelims examination they will be eligible to give the main exam of the same. This stage you will be added to a skill test regarding the post for which a candidate is applying.

Certificate Verification – 

Candidates will go through the certificate verification process in which it will be checked whether the candidate have provided the correct documents or not, then the candidate will be qualified for the main examination.

Final Merit List – .

Once the completes all the stages final merit list will be introduced on the basis of their performance of prelims mains and certificate verification.

Appointment – After passing through all the stages, the respective be selected for their respective positions.