OSSSC Forest Guard Result 2024 declared at osssc.gov.in, Forest Guard, Live Stock Inspector, and Forester Result

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The OSSSC Forest Guard Results for the written examination conducted earlier this year have been announced to the notice of the public and the candidates who have appeared in the written examination by releasing an official notification that consists of various information regarding the percentile and results various posts through the official online platform of the Odisha Sub-ordinate Staff Selection Commission. The Odisha Sub-ordinate Staff Selection Commission have announced the vacancy recruitment for various roles such as Forest Guard, Live Stock Inspector, and Forester earlier this year and the written examination which is considered to be first stage of the selection have been completed successfully and candidates who have appeared in the examination process are announced with the release of the results based on their performance in the written examination. Candidates who wish to check the results are required to check the details through the link that has been generated for the purpose of checking results. Candidates who wish to seek more information regarding the results that have been published for the various vacancies available in the Odisha Sub-ordinate Staff Selection Commission are required to go through this article to obtain all the information that have been released in the official notification.

OSSSC Forest Guard Result 2024: Overview

Candidates who are interested in checking the results available for the written examination conducted by the Odisha Sub-ordinate Staff Selection Commission recruitment process for various vacancies available in the roles of Forester, Forest Guard, and Live Stock Inspector are required to check their eligibility status through the link that have been published online for the purpose of checking the results. Candidates are required to clear the written examination to proceed further for the next rounds of the selection process. Candidates who wish to seek more information about the results that have been released in the form of a percentile score are required to follow the table to obtain an overall general information regarding the results that have been released for the recruitment process conducted by the Odisha Sub-ordinate Staff Selection Commission in a nutshell to assist candidates gain more information in a short time.

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Name of the Position Forest Guard, Live Stock Inspector, and Forester 
Conducting Department Odisha Subordinate Staff Selection Commission 
Number of vacancies 1,677 vacancies 
Type of Employment Government Jobs 
Category of the Notification Release of Percentile Score Results of the Written Examination 
Status of the Notification Available 
Mode of Availability Online 
Selection Process Written Examination, Physical Efficiency Test, Document Verification, and Medical Examination.
Location All Over Odisha 
Official Website https://www.osssc.gov.in 

OSSSC Forest Guard Result 2024: Important Dates

The Odisha Sub-ordinate Staff Selection Commission has released the notification regarding the results of the written examination conducted as the first stage of the selection process and candidates are filtered based in this process and those who have secured more marks than the cut-off marks will be able to proceed for the next phase of the selection process. Candidates are announced with the important dates in which important events of the recruitment process take place and the table that follows this passage consists of all the important dates of the recruitment process.

Events Dates 
OSSSC Forest Guard Date of Written Examination April 24, 2024 to May 7, 2024
OSSSC Forest Guard Release Date of Results August 21, 2024
OSSSC Forest Guard Date of Physical Efficiency Test September 2024

How to check the OSSSC Forest Guard Result 2024?

Candidates who have applied for the recruitment process of various roles in the posts of Forester, Forest Guard, and Live Stock Inspector are announced with an important notification regarding the results of the written examination and candidates are results are available in the form of percentile score in which the marks obtained by the candidate can be seen evidently. Candidates are ranked based on their performance in the written examination and those who have secured more than the cut-off marks will be considered to be qualified for the next phases of the selection process to get recruited in the roles of Forester, Forest Guard, and Live Stock Inspector vacancies conducted by the Odisha Sub-ordinate Staff Selection Commission.

  1. Candidates who have appeared in the written examination can check the results by opening the official online platform of the Odisha Sub-ordinate Staff Selection Commission.
  2. Candidates should locate the notification named as Forester, Forest Guard, and Live Stock Inspector written examination results and press it to proceed.
  3. Candidates are required to enter the credentials that are available with them to login.
  4. The results will be displayed on the screen and candidates can check whether all the details available on the results web page are provided without any error.
  5. Candidates can check their eligibility status and download the result and have it as a hardcopy.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1) What is the full form of OSSSC?

Answer: Odisha Sub-ordinate Staff Selection Commission.

2) When was the OSSSC Forest Guard Results released?

Answer: August 21, 2024.

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