RRB Exam Calendar 2024: Check Railway Exam Annual Schedule Notice

The Railway Recruitment Board has announced the calendar for the year 2024 through which the vacancies available in the multiple job opportunities are made to the notice of the people and the aspiring candidates who wish to apply and secure a job in a central government job. The Railway Recruitment Board has announced earlier this year for various number of vacancies in multiple roles as per the requirements that are available in the position and various candidates are recruited by conducting the vacancy recruitment process and eligible candidates who have performed well in the recruitment process are recruited in the various roles available in the recruitment process and there are various other vacancies that are yet to be announced for the aspiring candidates who wish to pursue a job in the Railway Department and the Railway Recruitment Board calendar has been published to the notice of the public by releasing a notification that consists of various information about the various roles available for the recruitment process through the official online platform of the Railway Recruitment Board. 

There are many aspiring candidates who wish to seek a job in the Railway Department as there are various perks and benefits for the candidates who are working in the Railway Recruitment Board and it is also a permanent central government job and there will be gradual increase in the amount of salary every year. The Railway Recruitment Board is one of the largest vacancy recruitment boards in India as the passengers who travel by train in a day are more in number to check and make them comfortable. The employees are also required to be recruited in a large number. Candidates who wish to learn more details about the recruitment process conducted by the Railway Recruitment Board for various roles available in the recruitment process and various other details such as the registration dates of the recruitment process and the release dates of the results are mentioned in the Railway Recruitment Board calendar that has been released and those details are also provided in this article to assist candidates in seeking information about the recruitment process for various roles conducted by the Railway Recruitment Board.

RRB Exam Calendar 2024 Out

The Railway Recruitment Board calendar that has been released through the official online platform of the Railway Recruitment Board consists of various details about the vacancy recruitment that has been launched earlier this year and various other details about the recruitment process. There are certain vacancies available in various other posts in the Railway Department which is also mentioned in the calendar and those details attracts the attention of the aspiring candidates who are preparing for the railways examination and those who are preparing for the recruitment process that will be conducted by the Railway Recruitment Board can use this opportunity and go through the calendar and know various details about the roles that are going to be announced for the recruitment process and learn various details about the previous year’s recruitment process conducted for those roles and prepare accordingly. The Railway Department has announced the Railway Recruitment Board Calendar for the year 2024 to 2025 and all the vacancy recruitment process that have been conducted from the starting phase of this year has been mentioned and those details are also mentioned in this article. 

The Railway Recruitment Board has announced earlier in the months of January to February about the Assistant Loco Pilot recruitment process for a total number of 18,799 vacancies, the Technician vacancy recruitment has been conducted for 9,000 vacancies, The Non Technical Popular Category recruitment process has been conducted for recruiting 10,884 vacancies, 7,951 vacancies have been hired for the role of Junior Engineer, and the Paramedical Staff Vacancies for a total number of 1376 vacancies have been hired till now by the Railway Recruitment Board. The Calendar that has been released consists of the various other vacancies in the posts of Railway Recruitment Board Group D vacancies and Railway Recruitment Board Ministerial and Isolated Category Vacancies has been announced for the aspiring candidates to start preparing for the recruitment process and the number of vacancies available for the recruitment process are not year mentioned by the Railway Recruitment Board and those details are expected during the month in which the examination will be conducted. The table that follows this passage consists of various information about the calendar that has been released to notify the candidate about the recruitment process and various other details announced through the calendar to assist candidates in preparing for the recruitment process for various vacancies that are yet to be announced by the Railway Recruitment Board.

Railway Recruitment Board Examination Calendar 2024
Name of the Exams Vacancies Available in the recruitment process Release Date of Recruitment Notification Dates of the Examination 
Railway Recruitment Board 2024 Assistant Loco Pilot Recruitment 18,799January 20, 2024August 2024
Railway Recruitment Board 2024 Constable and SI Recruitment 4,660April 14, 2024September 2024
Railway Recruitment Board Technician Recruitment 20249,000March 9, 2024October or November 2024
Railway Recruitment Board NTPC 2024 10,884August 2024To Be Announced 
Railway Recruitment Board Junior Engineer Recruitment 20247,951July 27, 2024To Be Announced 
Railway Recruitment Board Paramedical Recruitment 20241,376August 5, 2024To Be Announced 
Railway Recruitment Board Group D 2024 Recruitment To Be Announced October to December 2024To Be Announced 
Railway Recruitment Board Ministerial and Isolated Category 2024 Recruitment To Be Announced October to December 2024To Be Announced 

Calendar Release of Railway Recruitment Board Examination 

Candidates who are interested in applying for the vacancy recruitment for various posts available in the Railway Department are required to go through the calendar that has been released and various other details about the recruitment notification that has been already released are also announced by the calendar through the official online platform of the Railway Recruitment Board and the vacancy recruitment that are going to be conducted in the future are also mentioned in the calendar to assist candidates who are interested in applying for the vacancies and let them know about the recruitment process. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1) When does the recruitment notification for the roles of Junior Engineer have been released?

Answer: July 27, 2024

2) The number of vacancies allocated for the role of Paramedical Staff?

Answer: 1,376 vacancies.