TG MHSRB Recruitment 2024: Apply for 435 Civil Assistant Surgeon Posts

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Telangana Medical and Health Service Recruitment is starting soon. The registration process is wrapped up, and interested candidates have successfully filled out their application forms and submitted them on the website. Read further to find out more about this recruitment taking place in 2024.


Telangana Medical Health Service Recruitment 2024 Official Notice


On the official website of the TG MHSRB, the recruitment organization was inviting all interested candidates to take part in the TG MHSRB 2024 Recruitment process. The application forms for this recruitment were accepted till the 11th of July 2024. Candidates who have successfully submitted their forms and paid for them can keep going ahead with their preparation until the exam dates are announced to the public. While the preparation is going on, we shall share some of the important details of this recruitment and the nature of the service. We will include the vacancies, eligibility criteria, and how to download the admit card for the upcoming exams from the official website.


Overview of Telangana Medical Health Service Recruitment 2024


Learn about the skeleton idea of this recruitment from the included overview table: 


                                          Overview of the TG MHSRB Recruitment 
Name of the Post Civil Assistant Surgeons 
Recruiting Organization  Telangana State Medical and Health Service Recruitment Board (TG MHSRB)
Vacancies  435
Category  Govt Service 
Job domain  Telangana 
Registration Status  Completed 
Exam date  Not yet released 
Admit card status  Not yet released 
Official website
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It is important to thoroughly grasp the idea of the requirements the post and the hiring department are demanding from the applicants to make them an eligible candidate to join the recruitment process and get shortlisted according to the scale of best performer throughout the process.


Eligibility Criteria of the TG MHSRB Recruitment 2024 


Age limit- the minimum age of the candidate according to the eligibility criteria is 21 years at the minimum and 46 at the maximum. However, there are cases where the age limit is relaxed according to the laws of the Indian and State Governments.


Category  Age relaxation
ST, SC, BCs and EWS 5 yrs
Differently abled candidates  10 yrs
N.C.C. (Has an instructive experience)  3 yrs
Ex-serviceman  3 yrs
Telangana state government employee  5 yrs


Nationality- the candidates who have submitted their registration and application form on the official website must be an Indian citizen who holds a government ID card like an Adhaar Card, PAN Card, Voter Card, etc. They must be a resident of Telangana and must have proof of their residence domain.


 Educational Qualification- 

Interested candidates will be considered eligible on the educational front if they have an MBBS qualification or equivalent to this. They are required to be registered Telangana Medical Council.


Vacancy for the TG MHSRB Recruitment 2024


The total number of vacancies opening is 435 which is going to be refilled by the most qualified and eligible candidates. The departments receiving these shortlisted candidates are DPH and FW, DME Civil Assitant Surgeon, and  IPM Civil Surgeon. The shortlisted candidates will be allocated to these departments according to the requirements.

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Exam Date, Admit Card: TG MHSRB Recruitment 2024  


The exam date will be released to the public on the official website of TG MHSRB for the 2024 Recruitment as soon as the application forms submitted have been verified on the other side. As soon as the exam dates are announced on the website, candidates can expect their admit cards on the same platform within a week. The admit card link will be dropped after the exam date and the candidates who have submitted their application forms successfully can visit the website and locate the link to download the admit card using the asked credential to get access to it. 


Note: any printed error on the admit card must be reported as quickly as possible before the day of the exam to sort things out and prepare to meet no difficulty in entering the exam hall on the day of the exam.

No one other than the candidate is responsible for getting the physical copy of their admit card.

Without that physical copy, no one will not be granted to take the exam.


The recruitment process involved in the TG MHSRB Recruitment 2024


The details about the recruitment process will be available on the official website of Telangana Medical Health and the Service. Go through them thoroughly, for there lies the key to boosting your chances of getting recruited by planning a strategic preparation based on the details explained there. Level up your game of preparation with all the available information in this article as well as on the official website. Do not trust any unofficial information circulated by unreliable sources that could put you in a risky situation. Visit the official website religiously to get updates on this matter timely.

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How to download the exam admit card?


  1. Visit the official website mentioned above in the earlier portion of the article.
  2. On the homepage when the exam admit card is released there will be a live notice. Click on it.
  3. This will take you to a new tab where credentials are asked to be filled out to get access to the admit card.
  4. The registration number and your date of birth will be asked.
  5. Make sure you have your registration number saved somewhere safely for a time like this.
  6. After entering these credentials, the admit card will be unlocked.
  7. Download this and save it in a PDF format. Later, get it printed out from a nearby printout shop.
  8. Check the printed details on the admit card in case of any error present in it which should be reported at the earliest.
  9. No candidate will be permitted to take the exam without a physical copy of the admit card.


With the above information, we are concluding our article here for today. For more details go vist the official website. Hope we have covered everything you were looking for.

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