UP Police Constable Exam City Slip 2024 Released: Download UPPRPB Constable Pre Admit Card at uppbpb.gov.in

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Candidates who have applied for the recruitment process conducted by Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board for the various vacancies available in the role of constable are expected to be announced with an official notification to the notice of the candidate through the official online platform of the Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board. Candidates are expected to be Informed with the exam city slip today, which consists of various details regarding the examination process and the city in which the center of the examination will be available and the exam city slip consists of various other important information regarding the examination time, shift of the examination, and various other details that are required to be known by the candidates who have applied for the constable vacancies available in the recruitment process conducted by the Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board. The Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board is considered to be responsible for the examination of various police department vacancies that are available based on the requirements available in the state of Uttar Pradesh and they are also responsible for the activities related to the promotion of the police officers based on their experience and performance in their work. Candidates who are interested in seeking more information about the recruitment process conducted by the Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board for the vacancies available in the post of constable are required to go through this article in order to seek more information about the recruitment process and the notification that has been released by the Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board in order to release the city slip for the examination which is going to be conducted soon for the Constable vacancies.

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UP Police Constable Exam City Slip 2024: Overview

Candidates who have applied for the Uttar Pradesh police constable recruitment process conducted by the Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board are expected to be announced with the release of examination city slip which consists of various details about the recruitment process and these details are released in an official notification. The exam city slip can be viewed and downloaded through the official online platform of the Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board. Candidates who wish to seek further details about the constable recruitment process and the examination city slip that has been released to inform candidates about the city of the examination and various other details available that are required to be known by the candidates can follow the table below to learn various details in a nutshell.

Name of the position Constable Posts 
Conducting Department Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board 
Category of the Notification Release of Examination City Slip also Known as Pre Admit Card
Status of the Notification To Be Announced 
Mode of Examination Offline 
Mode of Availability Online 
Selection Process Written Examination, Physical Efficiency Test, Medical Examination, Document Verification, and Personal Interview.
Type of Employment Government Jobs 
Location All Over Uttar Pradesh 
Office Website https://www.upprpb.gov.in/ 

UP Police Constable Exam City Slip 2024: Important Dates

The Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board has released a notification regarding the important dates I the recruitment process which consists of various dates in which the important events of the Uttar Pradesh police constable recruitment process take place and these details about the dates are mentioned in the table that follows this passage.

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Events Dates 
UP Police Constable Recruitment Release Date of the Examination City Slip August 16, 2024
UP Police Constable Recruitment Release Date of the Admit Card of the Recruitment Process3 days befor the examination date 
UP Police Constable Recruitment Announcement of the Examination Dates August 23, 24, 25, 30, and 31, 2024
UP Police Constable Recruitment Release of Answer Key To Be Announced 
UP Police Constable Recruitment Release Date of Shortlisted Candidates List To Be Announced 

How to download the UP Police Constable Exam City Slip 2024?

Candidates are undi with more than 60,000 vacancies available in the role of police constable as the total number of vacancies available in the recruitment process and various applications have been found to be applied for the recruitment process and all those who are eligible for the recruitment process will receive the admit card for the examination process which is conducted for five days and candidates can use the steps below to download the examination city slip.

  1. Candidates who have applied for the recruitment process are required to open the official online portal of UPPRPB.
  2. Locate the Exam City Slip notification and click it.
  3. Enter the essential credentials and open the city slip or pre admit card.
  4. Check the details available and download the slip if it is required.

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